The Research Awards program, which was initiated by VEKAM in 2015 to pave the way for new research and encourage original research, has been integrated with the VEKAM project support program to enable the studies to be more integrated, visible, and have a wider impact. The projects and research proposals to be submitted to VEKAM are expected to be related to Ankara and its surroundings without any disciplinary or field restrictions. For any project and research proposal to be included in the activity plans of the following year, the project application form must be submitted to VEKAM management by the end of May of the current year at the latest. The outputs of the project/research proposals to be brought to the Center are expected to be in line with the mission and vision of VEKAM and to add value to the institution with their originality. VEKAM research and project proposals; by making archive and library materials available for use and providing all kinds of boutique consultancy services on archive and library issues during the research; by organizing scientific meetings and exhibitions such as symposiums, panels, conferences, which will require financial obligation to ensure the visibility and awareness of the project/research; by publishing scientific publications to ensure the sustainability and visibility of the project/research; archiving project/research outputs in the database to ensure the sustainability of the project/research. All kinds of projects and research proposals to be brought to VEKAM must be submitted digitally to akirci@ku.edu.tr and aayaokur@ku.edu.tr by filling out the project application form.