With a quarter-century of experience, GMW Architecture partners Architect Dicle Demircioğlu and Architect Pınar İlki Emekçi have achieved significant success on a global scale by providing m... Read more
Ömer Pekin, who sees his art practice as a continuously inspiring approach to architectural life, creates works that question the boundaries of the two disciplines. Ömer Pekin studied archit... Read more
. Ebru Akıncı, who completed her sculpture education at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, is a sculptor who is devoted to natural stone. In 2012, the artist moved to Carrara, Italy to study... Read more
Yeşim Kozanlı Interior Architect YKA&ID Yeşim Kozanlı Architecture, which produces accommodation projects for international hotel chains and world brands, crowns its quarter-century of e... Read more
Natural stone, one of the most basic building materials of architecture throughout history, has always attracted attention with its sustainability, timelessness and characteristic texture th... Read more
“WE CARE TO USE NATURAL STONE IN OUR ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGN PROJECTS” . .. Founded in 2002 in Ankara by Ali Özer and Ahmet Mucip Ürger, Özer \ Ürger has carried out more than a hundr... Read more
“COINCIDENCES ARE PART OF EVERYTHING WE ARE IN…” . . Nilhan Sesalan, who graduated from Istanbul Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Sculpture Department with a master’s degree, is an art... Read more
Sculptor Tansu Kırcı, who defines the art of sculpture as the best expression of her own consciousness, says that the natural stone is the best representation of amorphous surfaces. The arti... Read more
How did your interest in sculpture begin? Can you tell us about your story? NT: I loved painting from a very young age. By creating objects with various materials at home apart from my exist... Read more
Istanbul-based collective architectural formation BAB Architects develops projects in the fields of architecture, interior design, TV studio decor, and stage design under the title of the de... Read more